Ex-dividend com is your dividend data source for NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX listed companies that pay dividends
Released on = November 20, 2006, 11:37 pm
Press Release Author = Keith A. Casey
Industry = Financial
Press Release Summary = Ex-dividend.com is focused on meeting your dividend needs with timely, accurate dividend data that is updated during the trading day and after the markets close.
Press Release Body = Ex-dividend.com is your dividend data source for NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX listed companies that pay dividends. Ex-dividend.com provides dividend data coverage on Common and Preferred Stock, Closed-End Mutual Funds, Reit's, Trust, and ADR's. Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar allows users to search dividend data by ex-date for upcoming dividend payments. Buy prior to the ex-date to capture the upcoming dividend. Ex-dividend.com ...\"Don\'t invest without it\". T Ex-dividend.com is focused on meeting your dividend needs with timely, accurate dividend data that is updated during the trading day and after the markets close. Ex-dividend .com dividend data can be searched by Stock Symbol or Company Name for historical dividends. Ex-dividend.com also provides coverage on Dividends Increased, Stock Splits, and Dividends Reduced. Ex-dividend.com reports Annual Dividend Yield Ex-dividend.com realizes the importance of Annual Dividend Yield as it relates to Dividend Payments. Annual Dividend Yield is included in our dividend data. Annual Dividend Yield will help in the identification of higher annual yielding dividends allowing you to make better trading and investing decisions. Ex-dividend.com Search and Sort Features Ex-dividend.com allows you the ability and flexibility to Search NYSE, NASDAQ, or AMEX Listed Companies together as a group or by any individual listed exchange. Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar is defaulted to show the next trading day that allows stocks/securities to be purchased and capture the upcoming dividend payment. The Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar can also be changed to any date or month you select for upcoming or historical dates. Ex-dividend.com Search Features allow you to Search By the Ex-dividend Date (default), Payment Date, or Record Date. Data you have selected can be Sorted by Annual Dividend Percentage (default), Dividend Payment Amount, Company Name, or Dividend Payment Date. Ex-dividend.com also gives you the ability to Search and Sort Dividend Data on a Weekly basis. Simply click on the Weekly Search Box located below the Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar and see the most recent listing of stocks/securities within the week you have selected that pay dividends. Ex-dividend.com Symbol or Company Name Search for Upcoming and Historical Dividend Data. When you need upcoming or historical dividend data, Ex-dividend.com dividend data can be searched by Symbol or Company Name. When you Search by Symbol or Company Name you will receive historical Dividend Data on the specific Symbol or Company Name you have chosen. Ex-dividend.com Data by Symbol or Company Name will include a listing of historical and the most recent Dividend Data, including the Current Annual Dividend Yield. Ex-dividend.com Dividend Date Search Calendar automatically re-sets and defaults two stock market trading days when the markets close at 4:00 pm EST. To help identify the next ex-dividend date when stocks/securities can be purchased in order to capture the upcoming dividend payments, the Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar re-sets and defaults two trading days forward at the end of trading at 4:00 pm EST. When the next trading day begins, the Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar re-sets and defaults one trading day forward. This feature allows you to see the next ex-dividend date when stock/securities can be purchased in order to capture the next dividend payment. Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar Default Settings allow you to search and review stocks that can be purchased before the ex-dividend date without changing the Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar. The Ex-dividend.com Dividend Calendar can be changed to any Date or Month that you choose to search. For complete information on Dividend Capture and Ex-dividend Date Explained, Ex-dividend.com recommends that you go to the following links located on our website. Click on the link above or you may go to both of these links located and listed under About Us in the Menu Bar located at the top of this page.
Ex-dividend.com has the dividend data you need to make better trading or investment decisions. Ex-dividend.com provides timely, accurate dividend data. Serving investors and traders since 2000, Ex-dividend.com is the source you need for concise professional dividend data. Our data is updated throughout the trading day and after the markets close. Ex-dividend.com continues reporting, verifying and updating Dividend Announcements that are made in after market trading. Ex-dividend.com insures that you receive the latest data made available. Ex-dividend.com monitors and verifies dividend announcements, and runs comparative reports against other data sources to alleviate any discrepancies and inaccuracies to better insures accurate dividend data.
Ex-dividend.com is a licensed data provider with direct data feeds from NASDAQ, and AMEX, our NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX Dividend Data is also gathered and reported from 20+ news organizations, SEC Company filings, and direct submissions from companies thru our Dividend Announcement Reporting Link
Subscribers also have access to Ex-dividend.com Dividend Stock Picks. Ex-dividend.com is continually monitoring Dividend stocks/securities to identify undervalued dividend stocks that meet our Stock Screening Criteria. Our goal is to identify dividend stocks that are undervalued to the current market based on their valuation, current and future earnings growth, and current annual dividend yield. Note: Ex-dividend.com Stock Picks are not recommendations to purchase and is made available for informational purposes.
Subscribe now and see why Ex-dividend.com should be your provider of Dividend Data. Sign-up now for your 30 day / monthly subscription to Ex-dividend.com for only $29.90. All subscriptions begin from the date you sign-up and will renew 30 days after your sign-up date. There are no long-term commitments to subscribe to Ex-dividend.com. Should you decide to cancel, simply notify us before your monthly 30 day renewal date and you will only be billed for your current subscription period. Upon sign-up, you will be provided access to Ex-Dividend data. Sign-up at Individual Subscription or for a Free 7-day Trial
Ex-dividend.com... The Leading Provider of Useful, Timely, Accurate Dividend Data Additional questions? Please feel free to email info@ex-dividend.com
Web Site = http://www.ex-dividend.com/newfeature1.html
Contact Details = Ex-dividend.com 256-432-2802
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